If taxable income isThe tax is.
$0 to $10,275.10% of taxable income.
$10,276 to $41,775.$1,027.50 plus 12% of the amount over $10,275.
$41,776 to $89,075.$4,807.50 plus 22% of the amount over $41,775.
$89,076 to $170,050.$15,213.50 plus 24% of the amount over $89,075.
$170,051 to $215,950.$34,647.50 plus 32% of the amount over $170,050.
$215,951 to $539,900.$49,335.50 plus 35% of the amount over $215,950.
$539,901 or more.$162,718 plus 37% of the amount over $539,900.
If taxable income isThe tax is.
$0 to $14,650.10% of taxable income.
$14,651 to $55,900.$1,465 plus 12% of the amount over $14,650.
$55,901 to $89,050.$6,415 plus 22% of the amount over $55,900.
$89,051 to $170,050.$13,708 plus 24% of the amount over $89,050.
$170,051 to $215,950.$33,148 plus 32% of the amount over $170,050.
$215,951 to $539,900.$47,836 plus 35% of the amount over $215,950.
$539,901 or more.$161,218.50 plus 37% of the amount over $539,900.
If taxable income isThe tax is.
$0 to $20,550.10% of taxable income.
$20,551 to $83,550.$2,055 plus 12% of the amount over $20,550.
$83,551 to $178,150.$9,615 plus 22% of the amount over $83,550.
$178,151 to $340,100.$30,427 plus 24% of the amount over $178,150.
$340,101 to $431,900.$69,295 plus 32% of the amount over $340,100.
$431,901 to $647,850.$98,671 plus 35% of the amount over $431,900.
$647,851 or more.$174,253.50 plus 37% of the amount over $647,850.
If taxable income isThe tax is.
$0 to $10,275.10% of taxable income.
$10,276 to $41,775.$1,027.50 plus 12% of the amount over $10,275.
$41,776 to $89,075.$4,807.50 plus 22% of the amount over $41,775.
$89,076 to $170,050.$15,213.50 plus 24% of the amount over $89,075.
$170,051 to $215,950.$34,647.50 plus 32% of the amount over $170,050.
$215,951 to $323,925.$49,335.50 plus 35% of the amount over $215,950.
$323,926 or more.$87,126.75 plus 37% of the amount over $323,925.